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Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry of the Keys Blog

My Dental Crown Fell Out; What Now?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 10:12 pm

A dental crown can last for fifteen years or more with proper care, but accidents and unforeseen circumstances can cause them to fall out long before they are due to be replaced. It might happen as a result of an injury or your crown might break off when you’re in the middle of eating. In any case, it’s best to know what to do in this situation before it happens. Here’s what to do while waiting for your emergency dentist’s appointment after your dental crown becomes dislodged from your tooth.


3 Lifestyle Changes to Set Your Dental Implants Up for Success

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 10:42 pm
person with dental implants smiling

Are you a patient who has recently undergone dental implant surgery and wants to ensure the long-term success of your new tooth replacements? Dental implants, often considered the gold standard for tooth replacement, offer numerous benefits in terms of aesthetics and functionality. To maximize the longevity and effectiveness of your dental implants, consider making a few simple lifestyle adjustments. Read on to discover three straightforward changes you can implement to ensure the lasting success of your newly restored smile.


Your First Month with Dentures: What to Expect

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 4:37 pm
Elderly man smiling in dental chair holding dentures as dentist stands to the side with a thumbs up

Getting dentures restores more than your missing teeth – it restores your confidence! It’s great that you’ve taken the steps to complete your smile and raise your quality of life. While you should celebrate, you’re not quite home-free yet! The first month after getting dentures is often an adjustment period, but soon you’ll be used to wearing your dentures and back to smiling, talking, and eating as you had before. Here’s what to expect in your first month with dentures.


What Steps You Can Take to Prevent Coffee Breath

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 2:50 pm
Three women at a small wooden table laughing over hot lattes in white mugs

Many people consider coffee amongst their favorite drinks, but this popular beverage can cause coffee breath, stained teeth, and dry mouth. While the taste, customization, and accessibility of coffee might be tempting, the lingering sensation once you’re finished with your cup means everyone around you can likely smell it on your breath. If you’re worried about a lingering odor, here’s how to get rid of coffee breath.


How to Turn Back the Clock on Your Smile

May 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 3:20 pm
an older couple with youthful smiles from cosmetic dental treatments

Aging is simply a part of life. Over time, changes are natural in your appearance. As a matter of fact, even your smile ages! However, you may not be happy with how your teeth appear now and dream of having a bright grin again. The good news is that cosmetic dentistry can restore your pearly white’s youthful look! Read on to learn about what causes your smile to appear older and the cosmetic treatments that can help.


5 Possible Reasons for a Bitter Taste in Your Mouth

April 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 3:12 pm
Concerned woman in a light blue sweater

Do you sometimes experience a strange, bitter taste in your mouth that doesn’t seem to be related to anything you ate? This could be cause for concern, particularly if it lasts throughout the day and doesn’t go away even after brushing your teeth. In many cases, it could even point to a serious oral health issue. Your emergency dentist is here to explain 5 common reasons for a persistent bitter taste.


Are Dental Implants Stronger Than Your Teeth?

March 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 11:13 pm
person wondering if dental implants are stronger than teeth

If you have gaps in your beam, missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants. They provide a remarkable amount of bite force and last for years or even a lifetime with proper care. Despite tooth enamel being the strongest material in the human body, are dental implants even stronger? Continue reading to learn the answer to this question as well as why dental implants are so strong.


How to Remove your Invisalign Aligner

February 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 8:29 pm
Young woman holding her Invisalign aligner

Invisalign aligners are loved by patients for the remarkable versatility they offer. Unlike traditional wire braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed, meaning that they lack the dietary restrictions that often accompany other orthodontic treatments.

However, at first, taking your Invisalign off can be easier said than done. If you’re getting aligners soon or you have them now, it’s perfectly normal to have a little bit of trouble taking them off at first. If you want to know how to remove your trays more easily, here are a few things you can try.


The Connection Between Missing Teeth & Face Shape

January 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 3:46 am
a man showing his missing tooth

There are seven main face shapes: oval, round, square, diamond, heart, pear, and oblong. While your genetics generally determine the curves of your face, tooth loss can begin to change it over time. Unfortunately, having gaps in your smile can begin to age and negatively impact your appearance. Read on to learn about how missing teeth can affect the shape of your face and how dental implants can restore your vibrant and healthy appearance!


4 Tips for Enjoying the Holidays without Ruining Your Teeth

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — keysdentist @ 5:33 pm
a family enjoying the holidays in Big Pine Key

The holiday season is finally in full swing, and there are quite a few things to be excited about—especially if you’re a fan of food! But being a foodie also means that you should take extra-great care of your smile, considering all of the classic, festive foods that are enjoyed this time of the year. Your dentist in Big Pine Key has some tips to help you enjoy the holidays this year without ruining your pearly whites. Keep reading to learn more.

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